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If your car has air conditioning, you probably already know that it is supposed to do more than just keep you cool.
When serviced correctly, car air conditioning helps filter out pollen, pollutants and airborne bacteria. It’s a multi-purpose component for your car providing heat, cool air and improving the quality of air inside the cabin.
An air conditioning service is not included in a normal car service schedule so people often forget to have it checked. If your car is older than 2 years or you’ve never booked a car air con repair or regas, perhaps now is a good time. We also recommend that you use your air conditioning all year round even if only for one or two short trips every week. You might be surprised to learn that this helps keep the system well-lubricated and prevents leaks. You should especially book your car air con repair service when:
It is recommended that you should recharge your air conditioning system every 2 years with gas and lubricant to keep it running efficiently. This is not included as part of a routine car service - so it can often be overlooked. We encourage you to have your air conditioning recharged if your car is over 2 years old.
Some people think air conditioning is just for the summer and keeping you cool. The reality is that your vehicle’s air conditioning filters the air inside the car, removing dust particles and pollen, and also reduces humidity to make your journey as comfortable as possible
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